Tag Archives: treatment erectile dysfunction

Foods that help you stay erect

Foods that help you stay erect

Introduction: Erectile dysfunction is a major problem faced by almost 322 million men worldwide. All they know is that it can be cured with the help of pills or drugs. But in the actual world, it is not so. It can also be treated with the intake of some foods. Those foods are beneficial for […]

How Long Does Sildenafil Last?


What is sildenafil? Viagra is a very common term these days. Do you know what exactly it is? Is it safe for you? If you know what is Viagra, you know what is sildenafil because these two are the same thing! Sildenafil is a medical term whereas Viagra is it’s commonly used name. Sexual impotence […]

Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

Few men want to talk about Erectile Dysfunction, or impotence, although it’s surprisingly common. According to studies, roughly 18 percent of American males over the age of 20 suffer with impotency (ED), therefore the risk rises with age. Nearly 40% of 40-year-olds and 70% of 70-year-olds are concerned about the situation. It’s normal for guys […]